Hey there!
As a past student of Betsy Morgan's Learning to Channel Class, I have exciting news to share with you.
But, before I do, I wanted to tell you a little bit about my own experience learning to channel.
When I took my first channeling class back in 2008, I was hopeful, but nervous.
I wondered stuff like:
Sound familiar? I'm pretty sure all new channels have the same questions :)
The good news is that once I took my first channeling class, I discovered that I really could channel.
Naturally, I was thrilled ... but, it wasn't all smooth sailing.
Even though I was able to channel, I occasionally struggled with doubts ... I definitely wasn't confident of my accuracy every single session.
Still, I had gotten enough of a "taste" of channeling to know how absolutely incredible it is when you emerge from a great session - which is why I wanted even more of them!
I was eager to get better... to continue to learn everything I could from more experienced channels like my mentor, Betsy-Morgan.
So, I took another channeling course -- and another and another.
Which is how I know that...
Think about it.
With building blocks, you lay one block down after another, each one building on the one before it to create a stable structure.
Channeling is no different.
Each class builds on the previous one, creating a rock-solid foundation for you to become a highly gifted channel.
Here's how it works ... with each class, you:
As you can see, the cycle repeats itself, with each skill building on the one before it.
That's why I encourage you to keep with it. The rewards are so worth it.
For instance, in my case, I know that all the channeling classes I took helped me advance more rapidly than had I tried to improve on my own.
And not only did those classes help me become better at channeling, but they also paved the way for me to experience a wonderful channeling career that I absolutely love.
Which is why I know that by continuing to improve your channeling skills, your life will change in miraculous ways!
By improving as a channel, you will:
That's why I'm so excited to tell you about a new course that Betsy-Morgan and I collaborated on ...
The Channeling Mastery Course was designed to help Learning to Channel students experience a quantum leap in their channeling ability.
Because the experience of the class is so profound, you’ll immediately notice a shift once you start taking it … which is why you should consider it a fundamental step on your channeling journey.
In the course, Betsy shares practical techniques for advanced channeling that will transform your channeling sessions, making your readings even better—whether you’re doing them for yourself or for other people.
Plus, as the course progresses, you’ll receive light-filled energetic transmissions that will raise your vibration to a much higher frequency.
With this higher vibration, you’ll be less emotionally attached to the outcome of your channeling ... improving your accuracy immensely.
You’ll also be able to hold the frequency of your divine guides for longer, so you can channel for extended periods of time.
As a result, the course will elicit a life-changing spiritual transformation in you, as it helps you to grow in self-awareness and understanding.
And, with all the tips, techniques, and expert advice Betsy-Morgan shares in her lessons, you’ll improve exponentially as a channeler … while enjoying channeling that much more!
In fact, you may enjoy it so much that you decide to channel professionally, if you aren’t doing so already.
Betsy covers this subject in the course too, providing you guidance if you want to be a professional channel, as well as expert advice if you’re already working professionally in the field.
Bottom line?
This course will change your life in millions of untold, wonderful ways … while transforming you into a master channel in the process!
But don’t just take my word for it …
“What a wonderful channeling class! I was hesitant to take your advanced channeling class, because I wasn't sure I was ready. But now, I feel like I’ve taken a quantum leap forward. Thank you, I'm excited about my future as a channel!”
~ LV
“You are such an amazing channeling teacher! You and your loving heart and sensitive teaching have changed my life, and I will forever be grateful. I loved every minute of your advanced channeling class … ”
- TG
“Betsy, you are truly a gifted teacher. You were able to accomplish what four teachers before you were not, and that was to go beyond the barrier I set up long ago as a child. For the first time in years, I feel like I’ll actually live up to my full potential as a channel and healer!”
- KM
With those rave reviews, it’s no wonder so many of Betsy’s students have gone on to teach psychic development and channeling to their own students!
That’s also why Betsy’s often referred to as “the teacher of teachers.”
So, by now, you’re probably wondering what the course actually includes, so let me share with you the specifics …
With this comprehensive course, you’ll get 8 incredibly high vibe videos, totaling over 5 hours of expert channeling tips and techniques.
The course begins with a channeling preparation module where Betsy shows you how to mentally prepare for a great session.
She also provides you with a behind-the-scenes look at how she prepares to channel, so you can benefit from her 30+ years of expertise!
Then, you’ll get right into the main lessons of the course, where you’ll learn how to:
Plus, not only will you get lifetime access to all of the videos for the course, but you’ll also get transcripts of each of the lessons … allowing you to download and read them on your own time if you want to study them in greater depth.
OK, right about now, I can imagine what you might be thinking … sure, the course sounds great, but I’m not sure if it’s right for me.
Let me put your mind at ease …
This course is for you, even if ...
The course is designed specifically for ALL students of Betsy’s Learning to Channel classes … meaning that no matter where you’re starting from, this course will help you improve your channeling skills by leaps and bounds.
Even better, it’s designed to help you do that in a short period of time.
With this course, you’ll notice a shift quickly.
For one thing, you’ll receive high-frequency energetic transmissions as you go through the videos.
These transmissions will make it easier for you to hear your guides. They’ll also help you maintain the energy longer.
Additionally, the course includes homework assignments from Orion and the Archangels that were specifically designed for you, as a Channeling Mastery student …
These assignments are especially powerful because the divine already knows every single student who will take this course and how those individuals can best improve.
So, throughout the course, you’ll be given specific journaling and channeling assignments designed to strengthen your abilities, helping you to progress fast.
Plus, I created a private Facebook group just for course students, so you can get really comfortable practicing as a channel.
Once you join the group, you can get encouragement from other members, pose any questions you have, and even trade private readings.
Because the other course students are practicing just like you, they’ll be super-supportive … so you can strengthen this skill with people who will give your confidence a huge boost.
With the energetic transmissions, course homework, and supportive Facebook group, you’ll have a unique opportunity to accelerate as a channel.
And, with the course’s certification process, you’ll find it even easier to make rapid progress …
The best way to become a better channeler is to practice.
That’s why Betsy-Morgan and I have outlined a special channeling practice challenge for course students.
It’s going to give you the opportunity to improve your results … exponentially!
By the end of the challenge (and the end of the course), I guarantee your channeling abilities will be much, MUCH stronger.
Plus, once you successfully complete the challenge, you’ll be Certified as an Orion Master Channel.
To honor your accomplishment, you’ll get a beautiful print quality PDF Certificate!
Frame it for display in your home, office, a psychic fair, or a local metaphysics store you’re giving readings at.
However, to earn your certification, you need to take the course, so let me tell you how you can do that.
But first, since I’ve covered a lot of material here, let me just quickly remind you what the course includes ...
The course is jam-packed with expert tips and energetic activations that’ll help you advance rapidly as a channel!
So, with it, you’re gonna get:
But that’s not all!
Betsy Morgan and I are also going to throw in some INCREDIBLE BONUSES, that you’re really going to love.
So, if you purchase the course today, you’ll also get the following super-valuable bonuses … absolutely free!
Altogether, these bonuses are valued at over $300.
But they’re yours—absolutely free—when you take the course.
So, by now, I know you’re probably wondering what it costs.
Before I reveal the price of the course, I want you to know what went into this collaboration.
It actually took months of back-and-forth as Betsy and I figured out the structure of the course and which bonuses we wanted to include. Then the videos had to be produced, and an outside party needed to create the transcripts and masterfully lay out this course in a private course portal you'll have lifetime access to... and we’ve had to pay ongoing costs associated with hosting the videos online.
Which is why it’s not surprising to me that similar courses cost $1,000 and up!
However, because we want as many of you as possible to have the opportunity to improve your channeling abilities, we’ve decided not to charge you anywhere near what those other courses cost.
Instead, although the course and all the bonuses are easily valued at $1,000, we’re making Channeling Mastery available to you for just a one-time investment of $695 or 3 easy monthly payments of $244.
So, for way less than you might spend in a year on a daily cup of coffee, you can become a Master Channel, getting accurate, highly specific guidance from your divine guides in every area of your life, even if you’ve experienced blocks in the past … I’d call that priceless :)
Plus, after the course, you’ll have the skills to start channeling professionally if you want, creating a new career for yourself with the advanced techniques Betsy-Morgan will teach you.
As someone who went that route myself--taking plenty of psychic development courses along the way—I want you to know that if you feel called to become a better channel, this is your very best, next step—which is why you don’t want to put this off until later.
Allow me to explain …
If you’ve made it this far down the page, I know you’re interested in this course.
That enthusiasm you’re feeling is no mistake.
It’s actually your intuition, encouraging you to move forward with this.
In fact, enthusiasm is one of the ways the divine gives us a little nudge, showing us the next step on our path.
Unfortunately, we don’t always listen.
For instance, have you ever been really excited about something … and then allowed ego-based fears to talk you out of it?
It happens all the time.
Our egos throw up all kinds of reasons “it will never work.”
This slows our spiritual advancement, unnecessarily delaying our joy.
I don’t want that for you, and your guides don’t either.
Which is why I urge you to act now, if you want to become a better channel.
Because I know that if you leave this page without signing up, you probably won’t come back later to take the course.
That’s because your ego will try to tell you all the reasons you shouldn’t bother.
By contrast, your divine guides are cheering you on right now, encouraging you to deepen this skillset.
They know each and every one of you who will sign up for this course, and all the great things that await you as you become a Master Channel.
By taking a proactive step right now toward advancing your channeling skills, you’ll be moving forward on the right path … the path your soul always intended.
Plus, by signing up for the course today, you have absolutely everything to gain, and nothing to lose, because your satisfaction with the course is guaranteed ...
Betsy and I are so confident you’ll love this course that we’re offering a 100% moneyback guarantee. Take the entire course from start to finish, while enjoying all of the bonuses. If you decide in the next 30 days that you don’t completely love it, we’ll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked, no fine print, no funny business. We’ve removed all the risk for you—that’s how sure we are that this course will transform you into a Master Channel.
If you want to take your channeling to the next level so you can start having sessions that are even more amazing, this course is the way to do it.
But, you need to act now.
So, to get started, click the payment button below, enter your details, and you’ll get immediate online access to the Channeling Mastery course.
Let me break this down for you even further.
You have one of two options:
1. Your first is to ignore this page. Sure, you want to improve your channeling skills, but your ego’s whispering that you aren’t ready, the timing’s wrong, or you’re too busy. So, you keep doing what you’re doing—even though you want to get better at this skill and know Betsy-Morgan will show you exactly how to do it.
2. Your second option is to take this course and find out for yourself how amazing it to become a Master Channel. Receive vibrational attunements, so you rapidly improve your channeling abilities while manifesting more blessings, experiencing greater happiness, and enjoying deeper wisdom … you can even become a professional channeler if you want. Risk absolutely nothing because if you try the course, and you don’t get the results you hoped for, we’ll give you a full refund—no questions asked.
So, start NOW by clicking the payment button below and entering your details.
Once you complete your payment details, you’ll get immediate online access to the Channeling Mastery course, plus the 3 bonuses.
Try them for yourself and see how valuable this stuff is. Learn how to channel with greater confidence and more accuracy, while holding the energy of your guides for longer periods of time.
THEN decide if the course is worth it to you. If you decide it isn’t, just let us know and we’ll refund 100% of your money. You literally have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.
All I ask is that once you try the course and discover for yourself how amazing it is, you let us know with either a quick email, or by posting in our private Facebook group. We love hearing from our students!
Thanks for your time! I can’t wait for you to experience even more awesome channeling sessions, as you develop this skill further.
With so much love and bright blessings,
Channeling Mastery @ 2019